Our Thoughts and Prayers are with Lebanon
Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have been impacted by the Beirut blast yesterday, wishing the injured a quick recovery. Bedayati has been serving over 600 meals a week
LSA alumni virtual festival
On 25 July from 13:00 - 21:00 (UTC+02), @londonsoundacademy will be streaming an 8 hour marathon of an eclectic line up of DJs in a fun-packed day aiming to raise funds to support
Over 45% of the population is estimated to be living below the poverty line in 2020
Over 45% of the population is estimated to be living below the poverty line in 2020, with the majority of Lebanese struggling to cope with food price inflation and loss of liveliho
Beirut | Youth Program | Corniche | 4 July | 18:00
Our teams in Beirut and London joined forces yesterday for our first fundraising run of the season for the Bedayati Youth Program. In Beirut, 16 of us ran 8K at the same time as th
We Run 8 Km
Our Youth Program needs you! On 4 July, the Bedayati team and 12 of our youth will be running 8KM to help raise funds for our Youth Program. We will be running with teams from arou
PB Challenge
Running may be a solitary sport, but it is also a sport that can bring people together even if COVID-19 travel restrictions make our connectivity harder. We are pleased to join the
Community Kitchen, cooked by and for the community
Bedayati has launched its first community kitchen initiative, providing over 400 meals a week to those who need them the most. Different chefs from the community are invited on Tue
Art For a cause
"Front Row Seat" is the title of a creative collage juxtaposing old and new Beirut by Lebanese artist @dear.nostalgia. Your purchase of this and other artwork on @dikkeni online