
707 Schools as Shelters: Urgent Need for Alternative Housing

707 educational institutions are currently being used as collective shelters. We believe displaced families deserve more dignified shelter than that provided in schools, and that school buildings should be protected as spaces of learning.

We hope all efforts will be expended to urgently identify alternative places of shelter. In the meantime, we call for direct coordination with the respective school administrations that are hosting displaced families, particularly for interventions targeting school facilities and infrastructure. This will help preserve educational institutions for when students can return back to their classrooms.

Building on the above, our strategy moving forward is to continue to provide basic food assistance to displaced families, without investing in long-term solutions in schools. We will also support upgrading existing kitchens in private schools where the school administration has given us the green light to do so. In these kitchens, we will provide food supplies instead of hot meals and train their cooks on food safety and hygiene.

We hope this more decentralized hybrid intervention will sustain our collective efforts and resources for a longer period.

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